American dental care marketing

Our team is passionate about American dental care. Our mission is to generate leads and sales through strategic marketing activities that include this website.

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dental care marketing team

{We are online marketers, brand builderswebmasters, data managers, software developers, SEO specialists, video creators and charity workers, operating in many business niches, including dental care}.

Our small team has used Search Engine Optimization software to design, create and optimize websites that are 'localized' and Search Engine Optimized.

We make use of our own data and website design templates and have our own Content Delivery Network (CDN) to host, manage and create/render many 100.000's of images that are embedded in our pages.

What keeps us busy

  • We generate and publish Local SEO (personalized) webpages (keyword+ location).
  • We develop automation software to generate (render) new webpages (server-side) for any niche and location in the world.
  • Our system is able to generate (perfectly optimized) DB-less (static) HTML and AHTML pages (mobile accelerated) that can not get hacked. 
  • Our goal is to generate charitable funds by offering online Rand and Rent lead generation services
  • At the moment we have signed up with several franchise networks and receive a compensation (fee) each time we forward a call from an interested dental patient to a nearby dentist.
  • Our services are focused on generating new customers (leads) through advertisements. This is how we get compensated for our leads-generation efforts.
  • All forwarded phone calls are answered, tracked, forwarded and rewarded on a commission basis (pay-per-call).
  • Our proprietary Content Delivery Network (CDN) will host and deliver all media assets and (server-side) render all images into styled and personalized images through the use of URL parameters (a technology called url transformation). 

Rank and Rent for charity

{We expect to be renting out our high-ranking Local SEO webpages to American dentists in the near future.

American dental clinics might soon be able to rent one or more (already) successfully ranking webpages to start receiving direct calls from clients instantly and for charity.}

  • Rank and Rent is an online lead-generation business model where we, as online publishers, are generating and optimizing (Search Engine Optimization aka SEO) high-ranking webpages for the purpose of renting these out to businesses, for a monthly fee, to get more customer leads
  • Rented pages will be re-vamped (re-generated) using your text and contact info. New members shall receive calls directly to the phone-number that they provide. no middle man involved and privacy improved.
  • Our dental and other niche platforms are expected to continuously 'grow' and rank organically in all corners of the USA. This provides an advertisement opportunity for dentists.
  • Newly launched web pages (not yet rented out) will always contain an affiliated publisher phone-number (requested by us and provided to us).

Contact us

Fill out our questionnaire and hear from us 

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Please note that we, as webmasters of this website, have a marketing affiliate relationship, with various suppliers of goods and services that are included in this website. Consider that we may be financially compensated for the recommendation dental products and services by linking to the supplier’s website or telephone number.
Contact our helpdesk !

Looking for an affordable, dentist office for children? Our assistant will find and connect you with a friendly dentist office for your child in your area.

published: 22-03-2022
modified: 09-15-2023
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